
Are You A St. Leo The Great Alumni?

Please keep St. Leo’s up to date with your current contact information and share with us anything exciting in your life. We love hearing about the many amazing experiences of our alumni!

    Full Name (required)

    Graduation Year (required)

    Full Address

    Your Email (required)



    Alumni Events

    At St. Leo the Great School, there are many events and traditions that the community enjoys throughout the school year. Below is a list of the events that St. Leo students and parents enjoy:

    Alumni Mass & Luncheon

    St. Leo the Great School has a strong alumni community. We love having our alumni return to the school for a special Alumni Mass & Luncheon in their honor. It is wonderful to see everyone reconnect and enjoy time with old friends!

    Senior Send Off

    Every May we host a “Senior Send Off” for our graduating high school class. We are very proud of our St. Leo alumni and want to recognize their accomplishments with a celebration of delicious food, friends and family!