Events & Tradition

Our School Events

Below is a list of the events that St. Leo students and parents enjoy:

School Advisory Council

What is the School Advisory Council?

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school, the community, and those persons closest to the students. The purpose of the School Advisory Council is to advise the school administration in the areas of finances, activities, development, safety, marketing, and alumni such that the philosophy, mission and integrity of the school are maintained.

What is the role of the School Advisory Council?

The School Advisory Council consults with the school’s administrators and is responsible for recommending and advising policy for school programs. SAC is not a decision making body.

Who serves on the School Advisory Council?

The principal, in consultation with the pastor, appoints members to the committee (parents, parishioners, and/or alumni). The members will hold a three-year term, renewable once.

Join our Parent-Teacher Group

What is a Parent-Teacher Group?

St. Leo the Great School has a Parent-Teacher Group which coordinates and leads multiple activities on site. The PTG is led by the PTG President along with the board members. This group is responsible for setting up, coordinating volunteers, and supporting the school activities, of which there are many.

Take part in the Boosters Club

Join Our Boosters Club!

St. Leo the Great School’s sports program is supported by the Boosters Club. The Boosters Club gives parents opportunities to fulfill their Volunteer Hours, support their student athletes, and donate to the present and future sports program at the school. The Boosters Club President and the Athletic Director host the annual Jog-A-thon in the Fall.

For any questions about joining the Boosters or supporting the Boosters contact

Contacting Us Is Easy.

If you have any questions regarding any of our community events or groups, we’d love to hear from you.

(408) 293-4846

Questions about our events? Send us a note!