These are just some of the programs we offer at St. Leo the Great School. If you have any questions, you can contact us directly or use the contact form via the contact button at the top menu.

(408) 293-4846

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    Ministry & Faith

    At St. Leo the Great School, all students become faith-filled individuals by:

    • Participating actively in prayer, the sacraments, and rituals of the Catholic Church
    • Displaying knowledge about Catholic teachings
    • Making decisions based on the Gospel values
    • Practicing stewards for local and global communities

    Community Service

    St. Leo the Great is constantly giving back to the community with various forms of service. Students are enthusiastic about helping others and bring their joy and selflessness with them when serving others.


    Extra-Curricular Activities

    St. Leo the Great offers multiple opportunities for students to participate in activities during and after school.

    4th through 8th grade students participate on VEX Robotics teams that are led by parent volunteers. They compete in multiple competitions held in the fall months.
    Green Team
    Green Team
    Every week the Green Team meets after school to learn about how to take care of the environment and work in the school garden! 3rd through 8th grade students enjoy participating in this club!
    Student Council
    Student Council
    The Student Council consists of 6th through 8th graders who are elected by their peers to serve the school community. SC runs multiple events, including Spirit Week, Halloween, morning assembly, and much more! The students learn how to organize and lead these events by the mentorship of the Student Council moderators.
    2nd-8th grade students participate in a theater production co produced with Playful People Productions. Students perform in a play or musical on our school stage with sets, lights, props and costumes.
    3rd through 8th grade students can participate in the school choir, which meets once a week after school. They perform at school Masses, SCU games, Christmas concerts, church concerts, and the Diocesan Choral Festival.
    Tennis lessons are offered to grades K-4 after school by a licensed tennis coach. Students learn about ball control, how to hit, and how to rally.
    Youth Group
    Youth Group
    6th though 8th grade students participate in the parish youth group once a month. They gather together and do activities, learn about their faith, and volunteer to help the local community.
    5th through 8th grade students participate in various sports throughout the year: volleyball, basketball, track & field and flag football. Teams participate in games against other Catholic schools in the Diocese. The coaches are parent (and sometimes alumni!) volunteers.
    Altar Serving
    Altar Serving
    3rd through 8th grade students have the opportunity to serve in the church Masses as altar servers. They are trained through the church by the parish staff.


    The sports program educates and coaches the whole child in an environment, which reflects the Gospel message and supports each student-athlete’s physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth. It recognizes that each athlete is, first and foremost, a student whose primary responsibility is to his/her schoolwork and academic progress. 

    The sports program develops those qualities, which can be useful today and later in life, enabling the student to become a knowledgeable, skilled respectful, cooperative and spirited team player.

    If you have more questions please contact our Athletic Director, Marco Rosa at:

    For more details on the Athletic Program and the eligibility of students, click on the link below.

    Download Athletics Handbook

    Extended Care

    St. Leo the Great School provides after school care for all students. Students in K-8 can stay in the Extended Care  after school until 6 PM. Students are charged an hourly rate and this is billed through FACTS account.

    Once the students are enrolled in the school, they are automatically enrolled into Extended Care.

    Extended Care Hours
    After School: 12:30PM – 6PM (Wednesday)
    After School: 3PM – 6PM (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)

    Choice Lunch is the lunch provider for St. Leo the Great School.
    Please click on the following link to see the latest news on how to sign up:

    Visit Their Website

    Contacting Us Is Easy.

    If you have any question or comments about our school, curriculum, or want to schedule a tour. You can contact us using the form or contact us directly.

    (408) 293-4846

    Schedule a tour.